A International Winnicott Association (IWA), com sede em São Paulo, tem como seus principais objetivos a promoção da pesquisa e treinamento das práticas e patrocínio de publicações e intercâmbio entre profissionais que atuam na clínica Winnicottiana.
D. W. Winnicott has aroused the growing interest of a large number of scholars, psychoanalysts and healthcare professionals in Brazil and around the world. The Articles Section of the IWA Area of the BULLETIN is a space for the dissemination of academic and scientific texts, written by IBPW researchers and contributors, both from Brazil and abroad, on a wide range of topics, including, 1) the history of Winnicott’s research and practice as a pediatrician, psychoanalyst and child psychiatrist, and the history of the development of his thinking; 2) the status of his work in the fields of psychoanalysis, pediatrics, child psychiatry and other areas of healthcare; 3) the theoretical and clinical findings of his long and fruitful research and work; 4) analyses of his cases and clinical vignettes; and 5) the applicability of his theory of maturation, and of his theory on cultural experience, as linchpins for reflection on current issues.
The Reviews Section is a space to propagate critical analyses of publications, recent and old, of Winnicott’s books in Portuguese and of books by other authors about his thought and work. The aim is to create a well-reasoned repertoire of 1) the accuracy and quality of translations; 2) the theoretical implications of choosing specific terms in Portuguese or from the psychoanalytic tradition to translate Winnicott’s concepts; 3) the quality and adequacy of introductory texts in prefaces, back covers and flaps; 4) the aesthetic quality and suitability of the covers; and 5) the overall project and editorial work. In the case of books by other authors, the critical reviews will also analyze the scientific accuracy of the text, in an effort to improve the quality of Brazilian and foreign publications on Winnicottian theory and clinical practice.
Modelled on part three of Winnicott’s Psychoanalytic explorations, the Notes Section is a space for the dissemination of brief texts, such as outlines or concise articulations of a concept, thesis or theory.
Modelled on part three of Winnicott’s Psychoanalytic explorations, the Comments Section is a space for the dissemination of brief texts, such as expositions of a concept, thesis or theory, whether one’s own or someone else’s.
Modelled on part three of Winnicott’s Psychoanalytic explorations, the Discussions Section is a space for the dissemination of brief texts, such as critiques of a concept, thesis or theory, whether one’s own (“self-revisions” or “retractions”) or someone else’s (discussions).
The interviews of this Section aim to draw attention to the work of Winnicottian scholars in the Areas covered by BOLETIM WINNICOTT NO BRASIL, offering readers a glimpse of their intellectual career and the findings of their studies and works in progress, hopefully encouraging new researchers to take up this line of work.
This Section will not publish personal autobiographies or references to one’s private life, nor institutional autobiographies or résumés in the format required by academic institutions. We seek intellectual autobiographies that describe one’s lines of research, findings and future developments in the area of Winnicottian studies.
This Section is a space for the presentation of seminars, courses, clinical supervisions and other teaching activities. We thus hope to advance the exchange of ideas among teachers and scholars of Winnicott, and encourage new students to join Winnicottian groups and schools.
This Section is a space for the presentation of researches, both concluded or ongoing, at various graduate and undergraduate levels, including scientific initiation, master’s and doctoral projects, and published or unpublished research reports. We thus hope to advance the exchange of ideas among teachers and scholars of Winnicott, and encourage new students to join Winnicottian groups and schools.
This Section of the BOLETIM will announce upcoming events of other Brazilian institutions and independent groups (congresses, encounters, courses, study groups, lectures, etc.), indicating their respective websites for additional information and registration. It will also inform of important activities recently taken place in Brazil related to Winnicott’s thought, allowing the contributors and organizers of these events to publish brief texts about them.
This Section is reserved for informative reviews of books recently published in Brazil and other Latin American countries dedicated to Winnicottian theory and clinical practice, as well as of new translations or reprints of Winnicott’s works. The main objectives are to monitor and disseminate the editorial and academic production in this field, provide a general description of their content and introduce their authors.
In the News Section, the reader will find information about the Winnicottian groups listed in this BULLETIN that is not disclosed in other sections.
Nesta Seção, prevemos publicar uma seleção das cartas dirigidas ao BOLETIM, que serão respondidas e comentadas pelos editores.
This section of the BULLETIN Index will survey all publications (including academic ones, such as dissertations and theses) by and about Winnicott, from some institution of the BOLETIM’s Areas, dated from 2022.
BOLETIM WINNICOTT NO BRASIL, Área IWA, Seção Publicações, 2022/07/15
Publicações sobre Winnicott de filiados à grupos winnicottianos associados à IWA
Abram, J. (2022). Το πατρικό απαρτίωμα και ο ρόλος του στην αναλυτική συνθήκη (The paternal quorum and its role in the analytic condition). In T. Hatzopoulos (ed.), Ντόναλντ Γ. Γουίνικοτ - Ένας ψυχαναλυτής για τον επόμενο αιώνα (Donald W. Winnicott – A psychoanalyst for the next century) (pp. 31-64). Athens: Armos Books.
Dethiville, L. (2022) Η νεωτερικότητα του Ντ. Γ. Γουίνικοτ (The modernity of D. W. Winnicott). In T. Hatzopoulos (ed.), Ντόναλντ Γ. Γουίνικοτ - Ένας ψυχαναλυτής για τον επόμενο αιώνα (Donald W. Winnicott – A psychoanalyst for the next century) (pp. 165-183). Athens: Armos Books.
Dias, E. O. (2022). Ντ. Γ. Γουίνικοτ: Η αντίσταση στην προοδευτική απαξίωση και την αντικειμενοποίηση των προσωπικών σχέσεων (D. W. Winnicott: resistance Against the Gradual Emptying and Objectification of Personal). In T. Hatzopoulos (ed.), Ντόναλντ Γ. Γουίνικοτ - Ένας ψυχαναλυτής για τον επόμενο αιώνα (Donald W. Winnicott – A psychoanalyst for the next century) (pp. 185-201). Athens: Armos Books.
Dias, E. O. (2022). La teoria dei processi maturativi di Winnicott. Milão: Franco Angeli.
Eshel, O. (2022). Η αλλαγή παραδείγματος από τον Ντ. Γ. Γουίνικοτ Η κλινική της ψυχανάλυσης στη μεγαλύτερη αναπτυξιακή της καμπή (The paradigm shift by D. W. Winnicott The clinic of psychoanalysis at its greatest turning point). In T. Hatzoupoulos (org.), In T. Hatzopoulos (ed.), Ντόναλντ Γ. Γουίνικοτ - Ένας ψυχαναλυτής για τον επόμενο αιώνα (Donald W. Winnicott – A psychoanalyst for the next century) (pp. 62-92). Athens: Armos Books.
Guyomard, P. (2022). Ντ. Γ. Γουίνικοτ, Κριτική της ορμής θανάτου (D. W. Winnicott, Critique of the Death Drive). In T. Hatzoupoulos (org.), In T. Hatzopoulos (ed.), Ντόναλντ Γ. Γουίνικοτ - Ένας ψυχαναλυτής για τον επόμενο αιώνα (Donald W. Winnicott – A psychoanalyst for the next century) (pp. 13-29). Athens: Armos Books.
Hatzoupoulos, T. (2022). Προλογσ (Foreword). In T. Hatzoupoulos (org.), In T. Hatzopoulos (ed.), Ντόναλντ Γ. Γουίνικοτ - Ένας ψυχαναλυτής για τον επόμενο αιώνα (Donald W. Winnicott – A psychoanalyst for the next century) (pp. 7-11). Athens: Armos Books.
Hatzoupoulos, T. (2022). Παράδοξο, τι παράδοξο! Το παράδοξο στον Ντ. Γ. Γουίνικοτ ως μόρφωμα του ασυνειδήτου (Paradox, what a paradox! The paradox in D. W. Winnicott as a formation of the unconscious). In T. Hatzopoulos (ed.), Ντόναλντ Γ. Γουίνικοτ - Ένας ψυχαναλυτής για τον επόμενο αιώνα (Donald W. Winnicott – A psychoanalyst for the next century) (pp. 277-301). Athens: Armos Books.
Joyce, A. (2022). Η παιδική σεξουαλικότητα στον θεωρητικό κανόνα του Ντ. Γ. Γουίνικοτ (Childhood sexuality in D. W. Winnicott's theoretical canon). In T. Hatzopoulos (ed.), Ντόναλντ Γ. Γουίνικοτ - Ένας ψυχαναλυτής για τον επόμενο αιώνα (Donald W. Winnicott – A psychoanalyst for the next century) (pp. 237-276). Athens: Armos Books.
Loparic, Z. (2022). Επιτεύγματα της κατά Γουίνικοτ επανάστασης (Achievements of Winnicott´s revolution). In T. Hatzopoulos (ed.), Ντόναλντ Γ. Γουίνικοτ - Ένας ψυχαναλυτής για τον επόμενο αιώνα (Donald W. Winnicott – A psychoanalyst for the next century) (pp. 93-112). Athens: Armos Books.
Luepnitz, D. A. (2022) Ο Ντ. Γ. Γουίνικοτ με τον Ζ. Λακάν: Προς μια νέα ενδιάμεση ομάδα (D. W. Winnicott with J. Lacan: Towards a new intermediate group). In T. Hatzopoulos (ed.), Ντόναλντ Γ. Γουίνικοτ - Ένας ψυχαναλυτής για τον επόμενο αιώνα (Donald W. Winnicott – A psychoanalyst for the next century) (pp. 113-132). Athens: Armos Books.
Nikolopoulou, E. (2022). Ο Ντ. Γ. Γουίνικοτ, οι «Ανεξάρτητοι» και η πνοή του Σ. Φερέντζι (D. W. Winnicott, the "Independents" and the breath of S. Ferenczi). In T. Hatzopoulos (ed.), Ντόναλντ Γ. Γουίνικοτ - Ένας ψυχαναλυτής για τον επόμενο αιώνα (Donald W. Winnicott – A psychoanalyst for the next century) (pp. 133-164). Athens: Armos Books.
Spelman, M. B. (2022). Είναι και Γίγνεσθαι στη μεταψυχολογία του Ντ. Γ. Γουίνικοτ (Being and becoming in the metapsychology of D. W. Winnicott). In T. Hatzopoulos (ed.), Ντόναλντ Γ. Γουίνικοτ - Ένας ψυχαναλυτής για τον επόμενο αιώνα (Donald W. Winnicott – A psychoanalyst for the next century) (pp. 203-236). Athens: Armos Books.